I believe that the system has been and currently remains broken. However, I continue to have hope that the fight is not over. I have experienced the first-hand removal of .... so help me God" after swearing to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I have experienced lawyers stating, "If we disciplined each person that lied under oath each time the person lied under oath, we would not get anywhere." (Lawyer) I watched as lie after lie was caught and nothing was done to enforce the law. This is why we are dealing with a broken system that has turned its back on the laws and the Constitution. Keep up the hard work, my friends as our children depend on us to create a better future.

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This has become a REAL issue over the last few decades! Justice is supposed to be "blind"! A judge is by definition an IMPARTIAL arbiter that compares a new law to the Constitution or entrenched jurisprudence/precedent and makes a ruling. The unfortunate situation we now find ourselves in is that new laws are allowed to go into effect before a thorough judicial review, which can take years to trickle up to the SCOTUS. How is the Governor/Legislature of WA State allowed to enact an "emergency" law without Constitutional muster? This very process/law is un-Constitutional!

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Thank you, gentlemen, for elucidating this issue. I hadn’t thought of several of these angles. An additional means of excluding voters’ wishes arises when a superior court judge leaves the bench before his or her term expires (perhaps by design), and the *governor* appoints the replacement, who then has an advantage at the next election. Thus the governor has additional power in crafting the composition of the Washington judiciary.

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