Hello SMF family! It’s January, which means the start of a new Washington legislative session, and YOUR RIGHTS are at the forefront of SEVERAL bills. We’ve highlighted a few of these Bills for your awareness. NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list, but it’s enough to give you a taste of what the legislature has in store for your rights. At the end of this article, you will find a link to a Bill tracker and to ways to stay informed. Please use these tools to get ready to comment or testify on legislation. Back to the bad Bills…
2A Bills
HB 1132: Enhancing public safety by limiting bulk purchases and transfers of firearms and ammunition.
Representatives Farivar, Ormsby, Ryu, and Ramel
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows: (1)(a) A dealer may not deliver more than one firearm to a purchaser or transferee within any 30-day period. (b) A dealer may not deliver more than 100 rounds of .50 caliber 30 ammunition or more than 1,000 rounds of any other caliber of ammunition to a purchaser or transferee within any 30-day period.
This bill is an infringement of your second amendment rights and a gross overreach of the governing body in Washington state.
HB 1152: Enhancing public safety by establishing secure storage requirements for firearms in vehicles and residences.
Representatives Doglio, Walen, Ryu, and Ramel
Washington Gun Law Video breakdown.
Storage in your private residence: (a) A person shall not store or leave a firearm in their residence unless the firearm is securely stored whenever it is not being carried or readily controlled by that person or another lawful authorized user. (b) For the purpose of this section, a firearm is "securely stored" if it is either: (i) Locked or disabled using a tamper resistant mechanical lock or other safety device properly engaged in order to render the firearm inoperable by any person other than the owner or other lawfully authorized user, and also kept out of plain sight; or (ii) stored within a locked gun safe or similar locked container secure from access by unauthorized users.
Storage in your vehicle: (a) A person shall not store or leave a pistol in any vehicle unless (i) the pistol is stored unloaded in a container that is opaque, locked, hard-sided, and affixed within the vehicle, (ii) the container is concealed from view from outside the vehicle, and (iii) the vehicle is locked. (b) A person shall not store or leave a rifle or shotgun in any vehicle unless (i) the rifle or shotgun is stored unloaded in a container that is opaque, locked, hard-sided or soft-sided, and affixed within the vehicle, (ii) the container is concealed from view from outside the vehicle, and (iii) the vehicle is locked. (c) A rifle or shotgun stored in a soft-sided container in a vehicle in accordance with this subsection must also have a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unauthorized use or discharge of the firearm installed on the rifle or shotgun while the firearm is stored in a soft-sided container. (d) For the purpose of this subsection, a hard-sided container excludes a glove compartment or center console but includes a console vault or other container specifically designed to securely store firearms.
“This bill, if enacted into law, will significantly and forever change how you carry and store firearms in your car, but even inside the privacy of your own home. This is truly a terrible piece of legislation which is designed simply to not only inconvenience the lawful and responsible gun owner, but it tries to criminalize it as well.” - William Kirk, Washington Gun Law
SB 5098: Restricting the possession of weapons on the premises of state or local public buildings, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be present, and county fairs and county fair facilities.
Sponsors: Valdez, Saldana
This bill is the implementation of the seriously flawed and dangerous “weapons-free zones” that, in fact, do not decrease incidences of violence and crime, but only serve to make you less safe in public spaces.
Given the consistent data that shows clearly the ineffectiveness of “gun free zones” it makes no sense for the Legislature to continue to push this type of control.
While this is a hotly litigated issue throughout the country, it is neither settled nor consistent. There’s currently a challenge to the Illinois gun free zone1 on transit authorities – the US District Court held that the law was unconstitutional as applied to the four Plaintiffs.
There’s also a challenge to California and Hawaii gun free zones2 (“sensitive places”), where the Court held that the ban can remain in certain locations, while firearms cannot be prohibited in other locations.
Because the law is unsettled, we anticipate that the legislature will make this a priority issue.
SB 5099 - Protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers.
Representatives: Lovick and Pedersen
This law Inflicts further licensing requirements at the state level including site inspections on top of the building retrofit requirements established in ESHB 2118 for Washington state FFL’s. All data collected from the licensing process and inspections would be shared with the Governor, Attorney General’s office, and state legislature. Like ESHB 2118, which goes into effect July 1, 2025, this bill attacks our FFL’s abilities to operate in Washington state.
HB1163 - Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms.
Companion Bill: SB5140
Sponsored by: Berry, Taylor
Requires background checks and safety curriculum completion, as well as live-fire shooting exercises on a firing range with the Washington State Patrol demonstrating “safe operating” of your firearm. The WSP must also run annual background checks on permit holders and provide all of the data from the application process to the state legislature annually. Your permit application includes a waiver of your confidentiality rights.
NOTE: A federal bill allowing for reciprocal concealed carry permits (i.e., get licensed in one state, and you’re licensed to carry in all) was introduced as H.R. 38 by Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC-9).3 While this bill probably won’t impact any of the intra-state legislation, there is a possibility (a small one) that it could. Be on the watch for that legislation.
Education Bills
SB 5123: Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools.
Representatives: Nobles, Wilson
Expands the definition of “marginalized” students for the purpose of “protections” to include: Discrimination in “Washington public schools on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation ((including)), gender expression ((or)), gender identity, homelessness, immigration status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, neurodivergence, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is prohibited. The definitions given these terms in chapter 49.60 RCW4 apply throughout this chapter except as provided in section 2 of this act and unless the context clearly requires otherwise.”
As is typical with our majority legislature, this bill provides protection for some students but not for all.
SB 5126: Establishing a statewide network for student mental and behavioral health.
Representatives: Nobles, Cortes at request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
“Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, in collaboration with local education agencies, the Washington association of educational service districts, and other state agencies as applicable, including the health care authority, the department of health, and the department of children, youth, and families, shall (a) establish strategic direction and goals for statewide programming to strengthen the capacity of local education agencies to meet the recognition, initial screening, and response requirements outlined in RCW 28A.320.127 and (b) provide state-level coordination to help schools better promote mental well-being as well as identify and connect students to behavioral health supports in school and interconnected community settings.”
This bill seeks to provide all mental health services through the public school system. This includes “identifying” and connecting students to THEIR health supports. Remember, this bill comes on the heels of the pushback regarding the Parental Bills of Rights and parents’ access to health services being provided to their child through the public school system. SMF is actively engaged in litigation to safeguard the Parent’s Bill of Rights (Initiative 2081). Find more information on our fight for your right to parent your children here! https://www.silentmajorityfoundation.org/parentalrights
Take Action
What can you do to make your voice heard with the bills introduced into legislative session?
Access the list of Prefiled Bills HERE.
Click on the bill number to the left of the description to access the Original Bill and other information.
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Send a comment on the bill to your legislators.
Sign up to testify at a committee meeting HERE.
Share our Substack with your friends and family members who want to be informed and take action.
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! You are a powerful force in the battle for Washington state. Did you know that when you become an SMF Member you strengthen our organizational standing? You become a critical part of our lawsuits that are pushing back against the power grabs and working to restore and protect your rights. JOIN SMF TODAY and stand with us against unconstitutional laws. The more Members we have the LOUDER YOUR VOICE WILL BE! Be a part of making lasting change in Washington state!
Have you seen SB5180? Vote no on every levy your school districts propose. These are captured institutions that need to fail.
Sickening. I hope WA conservatives take all these anti-2A bills seriously this time. They've shown that they will never stop.