WSU Doesn't Allow Dissent from C19 Narrative
Dr. Renata Moon | Standing in the Gap for We the People
Hello SMF family! Before we jump into our update on Dr. Renata Moon, we have several events in September to highlight.
Mark your calendars and REGISTER to attend our first SMF 2A Social!
Join SMF and Securite Gun Club in the Carbon Club area on September 14, 2024 for an update on our 2A lawsuits, food, drinks and community! Pete Serrano will be providing updates on each of Silent Majority Foundation's lawsuits to restore and protect second amendment rights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with the legal team and others in the gun community.
Come out to watch the Dust Devils game with Silent Majority Foundation on September 6, 2024. The SMF group will be sitting in the Upper Box Section. **$2 from every ticket sold will go back to the Foundation! Enjoy discounted concessions ALL game long thanks to the Family Feast Night! Don't miss out!
Pandemic Response Harms Event 2.0. Were you harmed by vaccine injuries/deaths of loved ones; vaccine mandates; hospital protocols; lockdowns/closures of businesses, schools or churches; mental health issues? Come out to this event in Wenatchee, Washington on September 21, 2024. Pete Serrano will be joining Dr. Kelly Victory, John Stockton, and Dr. Mary Talley Bowden to connect people with answers, hope, healing and support.
2A Event at Wades Eastside Guns. Event details coming soon.
We would love for you, your families, and your friends to help us celebrate our God - given freedoms, while supporting our constitutional litigation.
The last 8-10 years have shown us many things. Long-held trust in our institutions and associations has been eroded as the truth is revealed. Our comfort in the idea that America is and always will be a bastion of freedom and liberty has been challenged. Our understanding of how our government works hand-in-hand with non-elected agencies has been exposed. While these truths are difficult to process at times, there is strength gained as light is shed on darkness. Dr. Renata Moon is our courageous client, who, when confronted with the choice to speak out or stay silent and toe-the-line, chose to fight for the health and safety of her patients and the public at large. When confronted with losing her job for sharing truth, she did not and will not back down. Below is her story about her family escaping the ravages of the Iron Curtain:
“My dad was born in Buenos Aires and my mom was born in Prague. They met behind the Iron Curtain of communism, married and eventually fled from the tyranny of Czechoslovakia.
I grew up in a home with parents who had recently fled from a communist country (former Czechoslovakia) and legally immigrated to the United States. My parents were vetted prior to being accepted for immigration to the US. They promised to stay off of any public assistance and work hard. They did just that. My parents represent the many millions who legally immigrated to America, fleeing tyrannical governments. They landed in the US with only a few dollars in their pocket and no personal connections. They knew no one here——no family or friends. They worked hard and over time both earned their PhD degrees. After they earned their PhD’s, my dad worked as a university professor and my mom had a position with the federal government.
I was raised to LOVE our nation and all that America offers to her hard working citizens. These new Americans were not looking for a hand out. They were looking for a chance to better their lives and to live in FREEDOM.”
Dr. Moon’s family escaped communism to build a new life in America - a new life forged in the fires of hard work and a love for the liberty that allowed them to thrive in their new country. Dr. Moon also thrived in America and is an exceptionally well-trained pediatrician with over 25 years of clinical experience. She trained at a top U.S. medical school, earning board certification in both general pediatrics and pediatric hospital medicine. With an unblemished career record of patient care, Dr. Moon practiced in the State of Washington for over 17 years primarily as a pediatric hospitalist at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane. Despite caring for the region’s sickest children – patient care with one of the highest risks of malpractice claims – she has had no malpractice claims or actions against her license in Washington State or elsewhere.
Dr. Moon testified at a public hearing entitled “Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries” held by a US Senator in Washington DC in December 2022. In July 2023, Washington State’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine reported Dr. Moon’s public testimony to The Washington Medical Commission. The Washington Medical Commission then began investigating Dr. Moon’s medical license for alleged “unprofessional conduct” for voicing concern about the dangers of the Covid-19 shots at this senate hearing. This investigation by the Washington Medical Commission was frivolous, based on unsound policy and was persecution of a physician for the “crime” of exercising her first amendment rights.
On January 26, 2024, SMF received a letter from the Washington Medical Commission explaining that their investigation was complete and the case closed because Dr. Moon’s “(Washington state) license is expired and she has moved out of the state.” In closing, they made sure to thank Dr. Moon for her cooperation and assistance in the “joint effort of patient safety.” The irony in that closing statement.
Since the rollout of these vaccines, there is ample evidence that Dr. Renata Moon was correct in her hesitance to inject an untested substance into children. Here are just a few resources to consider in your own research:
Cardiac Arrest After Vaccination
Dr. Moon was a celebrated Physician by her colleagues UNTIL she dared raise questions about the treatment protocols being pushed by the Washington Medical Commission. A medical professional is not required to agree with any government agency, including the Washington Medical Commission. A medical professional, in fact, has the obligation to put the well-being of his or her patients before any government-imposed orthodoxy or narrative. A medical professional has the right to gather with other medical professionals and petition the government regarding issues of public interest. In addition, medical ethics dictates that a medical professional has the obligation to speak out when there is a concern that a medical product, which is being used widely and indiscriminately, poses potential risks or where questions arise about its safety. Such debate provides a healthy check and balance on the practice of medicine and promotes the primary responsibility to first do no harm.
Why are we reintroducing this case? This case is not over, despite the conclusion of the investigation by the WMC. Agencies cannot simply get away with the chilling of free speech and persecution of Physicians who dare not comply with their imposed narrative. In fact, this case does not begin with the WMC; it begins with Washington State University. Dr. Moon had been an Clinical Associate Professor at WSU since its inaugural class in 2017. Before that, she took an active part in the founding of the School of Medicine. She has taught many medical students at other institutions previously. Her stellar record was not enough. WSU could not allow her to dissent from the COVID narrative. It was her department chairman at WSU, a physician, who submitted the complaint after refusing to renew her contract because she exercised her rights of free speech, assembly, and petition.
This assault against free speech rights from many sources in the Washington State government must be challenged. If we do not have the right to speak out against government action and narratives with which we disagree, we will be on the road to serfdom. As President Reagan said,
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
It is our turn to fight, our duty to protect our fellow citizens from this encroachment on our most fundamental freedoms. Dr. Moon has heroically chosen to take a stand and enter this fight for the sake of all of us and our children. Please join her. We must win this.
Stay tuned for our next move! Your donations and Memberships help us do the legal work necessary to stand with Dr. Moon. Thank you!
Thank you SMF and Dr. Moon. I stand with you!