Silent Majority Foundation was founded out of necessity. As we saw Constitutional rights dwindling with each passing mandate and “law”, we knew we needed to do something. In August 2021, Silent Majority Foundation was birthed. Since our inception, we have been making that lawsuit printer run hot here in Washington state and across the nation!
This year, SMF is working hard and making strides in the courts—pushing the needle of justice in favor of the Constitution! Guess what?! It’s working! The wheels of justice are grueling but well worth the fight. You are well worth the fight.
This year alone, Silent Majority Foundation has:
✅ protected the Right to Petition in NUP v. Ruffcorn
✅ defended 2A Rights in 4 currently active cases
✅ stood for Medical Freedom by defending medical licenses of doctors
✅ preserved Religious Freedom as we pushed against employers and schools requiring C-19 vaxx
✅ opposed governmental abuse and overreach of individual Freedom of Speech
Our goal is to raise $250,000—equaling 2500 hours of legal work—will you help?
SMF is here to protect our God given constitutional rights. Our goal is to ensure Equal Protection under the laws of the United States of America and each State. We aim to restore the voices of you, the Silent Majority. The silent majority is NO LONGER SILENT!
When you donate on #GivingTuesday, you’ll be doing more than just donating—your generosity makes it possible for SMF to continue to fight and speak up for all citizens who maintain their desire for freedom and to maintain constitutionally protected, God-given Rights.
Supporters like you make it possible for our team to dedicate their time and talents towards protecting your freedoms—we couldn’t do it without you!!!!
We hope you’ll join us on #GivingTuesday!
The price of FREEDOM is eternal vigilance.
-Thomas Jefferson
Thank you