Hello SMF Family! Today at 10:00 AM is the hearing for SB5427 which grants the Attorney General’s office even more power!
“Supporting people who have been targeted or affected by hate crimes and bias incidents by establishing a reporting hotline and tracking hate crimes and bias incidents.”
As one of the three candidates for Attorney General, I strongly oppose this bill. Any powers granted to the AG's office should be targeted towards helping the People of Washington, and it's not clear on how this Bill will achieve that. Additionally, this Bill creates yet another unelected body, a "committee" that will review these issues at the will of the Attorney General. How does the legislature intend this to help Washingtonians in a measurable way? Why is it that the sponsors want to assist these victims, yet look beyond victims of other crimes, including violent crimes? Please vote no on this bill.
The Public Hearing is this morning at 10:00 AM. The link is below.
It appears this had a public hearing on February 16th. The window to have your comment added to the public record is passed. Can still email the committee directly though.
Hey SMF! This bill has executive session today at 10:30AM in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary. Hearing was on Friday. People can email the committee and ask for a no vote: jamila.taylor@leg.wa.gov