Hello SMF Family!
We wanted to provide a comprehensive update on the firearms bills currently making their way through the legislature. February 13th was the first chamber cross-over deadline for bills. What does that mean? A crossover date is the deadline in which a bill needs to pass out of the chamber it was introduced in, in order to move forward for consideration in the opposite chamber. That date marks an important legislative deadline and gives us more information on which bills are moving forward and which bills are (likely) dead. While there are almost almost procedural moves to revive these bills, we are watching these closely.
Following are the cross-over bills being scheduled for public hearing in the opposite chamber committees.
SB 5985 – Firearms Background Check Program Updates
When: Friday, February 16 @ 10:30am (Executive session scheduled 2/21/24 at 8:00am)
Where: House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee
What to do: OPPOSE – attend in person, attend remotely, testify in-person or remote, submit written testimony, or record your position for the record ‘Con’
There are 1,244 positions recorded, and only 28 of those are ‘Pro’, 1 ‘Other’! Keep it up. WSP is in support.
SB 5444 – Open Carry Ban/ “Sensitive Places”
When: Friday, February 16 @ 10:30am (Executive session scheduled 2/20/24 at 10:30am)
Where: House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee
What to do: OPPOSE – attend in person, attend remotely, testify in-person or remote, submit written testimony, or record your position for the record ‘Con’
There are only 342 positions recorded. 266/342 are ‘Con’
Spread the word and let’s boost opposition!
HB 1903 – 24 Hour Reporting for Lost/Stolen Firearms
When: Monday, February 19 @ 10:30am (Executive session scheduled 2/20/24 at 10:30am)
Where: Senate Law and Justice Committee
What to do: OPPOSE – attend in person, attend remotely, testify in-person or remote, submit written testimony, or record your position for the record ‘Con’
HB 2021 – Mandatory Destruction of Gun Buy Back Firearms by LE
When: Monday, February 19 @ 10:30am (Executive session scheduled 2/20/24 at 10:30am)
Where: Senate Law and Justice Committee
What to do: OPPOSE – attend in person, attend remotely, testify in-person or remote, submit written testimony, or record your position for the record ‘Con’
HB 2118 – the FFL Killer Bill
When: Monday, February 19 @ 10:30am (Executive session scheduled 2/20/24 at 10:30am)
Where: Senate Law and Justice Committee
What to do: OPPOSE – attend in person, attend remotely, testify in-person or remote, submit written testimony, or record your position for the record ‘Con’
The 2024 legislative session ends March 7th. As the Silent Majority Foundation community, we MUST continue applying the pressure and opposition to defeat the bills above.
The following bills did not pass the first chamber by the February 13, 5pm deadline. They are presumed dead for the session. But, as a caution, could be revived procedurally.
HB 1902 – Permit to Purchase
HB 2054 – 1 Gun Per Month
HB 2338 – Additional 11% Tax on Ammunition
SB 5963 – Residential Insurance Requirement for Gun Owners
SB 6246 – Firearms Prohibition Expansion in Competency to Stand Trail Eval
Next Hearing: Washington v. Gators Custom Guns
The next hearing for this case is scheduled for: March 11, 2024 | 9:00AM
Cowlitz County Courthouse in Kelso.
Come on out and support Wally that day if you are able to make it!
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your continued support of Silent Majority Foundation and Wally at Gators Custom Guns! We couldn’t do the litigation, advocacy and education work we do without YOU! As we stand in the gap, we ask that you spread the word about our work and consider becoming a monthly donor. Every dollar helps to fund legal work in each of our four 2A cases! Let’s do this!